Friday, October 8, 2010

Why Did You Choose This Career – Interview Question and Answers

Some of these job interview question are trick questions, which are basically asked in a bid to differentiate between good interviewees and the best interviewees.
One such tricky question can be asked in different ways:
1. Why did you take up this profession?
2. Why did you choose this career/job?
3. Why did you specifically select this career as opposed to a myriad of others?

Here are some tips and suggestions as to how you can safely answer this question–
Basically speaking, the answer to this question depends on the profession and job that you have applied for.

Noble profession 
If the job is in any noble profession such as law or medicine, you can simply say that you wish to join the noble profession in an endeavor to do your bit to solve the problems around you. If you are applying for a job in the legal profession, you can always mention the fact that you wish to help others with their legal problems.

Basic interest

Another answer that you can give to this question is that you have always had a basic interest in the core  responsibility of this career. For example, if you are asked this question during a programmer job interview, you can simply say that you always had an interest in computing and computers. Similarly, if you have applied for a webmaster job interview, you can say that you were genuinely interested in the digital medium and in computing and internet.

Growth potential

You can also point out the growth potential for anyone who joins the said profession. All jobs have a growth potential and a growth timeframe. The timeframe varies from profession to profession. In some professions it may be six months to a year, while in others it may be a year or more. Therefore, if your profession has a growth potential timeframe of six months to one year, make sure that you speak about it as one of the reasons to enter this profession.

The scope of the profession
Another reason that you can discuss is the scope of the profession that you have applied for. If the job that you have applied for may soon be part and parcel of every company and industry, it is another good point that you can make when you are asked why you have chosen this as a career.

Your skills

This can also be one of the most difficult questions asked of a customer care associate or a sales representative.  A customer care associate job is highly stressful and quite hectic. Therefore, asking this question during an interview would put the interviewee in a quandary.
The best answer to this question is that you are always interested in interaction with people and you wish to learn/know all about the day to day happenings in a high productivity department, so that you may be able to understand it better in the future.

A stable job

With the growing change in the global condition of jobs and finances, people are looking for jobs in companies and professions that offer stability and cater to many businesses. If your company offers a stable job, make sure that you inform the interviewer that you consider a stable job one of the reasons why you have applied for the particular job.

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